Wednesday, March 9, 2011


When we consider fiscal reforms now both urgent and imperative we must recognize a fundamental truth that seems beyond dispute.

Any stance taken that represents only one extreme of the ideological spectrum must be deemed impractical.  The is so because like it or not, one of the central and fundamental features of our democracy is COMPROMISE...Therefore, the most relevant question we can ask is not "What do we agree with?" but rather "What can practically be passed by two houses of the legislature and what actually gets executed by Presidential signature?"

One of the great amenities in Congress has always been the "centrist-Statesman" that has the ability to conduct business from the Center by building both consensus and compromise.

Granted, in the current system in Utah consensus builders in the center can't get through the primary process because they are not card carrying members of the militia but the "center-right-moderate majority" is exactly where the best business gets done in this Country.  It's the sweet spot!!!  Always has been...

Therefore all the "loons on the left" and the "zealots of the far right" can all use at least equal doses of psychiatric assistance to rehabilitate "a sensible center" that can conduct quality business through consensus and compromise...This is not a relinquishment of values or principles but an added layer of wisdom that knows which battles are worth fighting and which should be abandoned so that other essential we can fight and win another day.

In addition, every battle worth fighting cannot always be won!!!  Wisdom is knowing when to fight even when victory is not had and when to fold in preservation of the strategic objectives dictated by sensible, common sense...Where did "common sense" go in the system? 

Try really can do it...If you don't everyone loses anyway because nothing will get done and that is surely not acceptable to any of us, right?  Look around...the ship is sinking, folks!!!

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