With the necessity for fiscal reform never more urgent than today there are two concepts that stand paramount in the process. Those who understand, accept and uphold them are those who will ultimately lead and support a more prosperous future for future generations. Those who do not align ideologically and philosophically with them will at a minimum resist but worst case place the future of the Nation in jeopardy and in addition risk becoming completely irrelevant since fiscal reform is not only urgent but delay no longer a rational or sane alternative.
From a non-partisan point of view we must re-enthrone the following two ideals if fiscal reform is to happen in time to avert catastrophic fiscal disaster at the National- and therefore the personal level of each citizen.
01. Citizens must cultivate a "World War II like" commitment to "collective self-sacrifice" with a willingness to ration personal lifestyle, personal security, personal ease and personal indulgence for the good of future generations. Remember, we as a people have done hard things before and we need to rise to the challenge of overcoming these difficult challenges as an additional great generation. While the current younger generation cannot take much of the credit for causing the problem we can take responsibility to own the had solutions and must do so if we value keeping this Nation both prosperous and great. Recent generations since WWII have been far too overindulgent expressing their ultimate will through decades of legislation that have proven far too costly for than a temporary period of time. Yes, I refer to entitlements that can neither be afforded in their current state nor perpetuated equitably to future generations. I then am forced to ask, "Why would any American be willing to over-reach in a blatant effort to suck prosperity from future generations to gratify the here and the now?" Fiscal reform (namely, ENTITLEMENT REFORM) is not just a practical necessity, it is clearly a moral imperative.
02. Citizens must properly define the word "reform" in the context of fiscal reform. The word reform means "taking greater personal responsibility" for both the problems and for the solutions. We must own up to the fact that we can't depend upon government much but the most overarching protection of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". Greater personal responsibility means less dependence on government and more dependence upon our own thrift and effort. We must provide, not the government. Anytime we depend upon government for something we lessen our own independence and our own liberties in the process- by definition.
We can do this...Again, we've done very difficult but urgently necessary things in the past and we have it within us to correct in installments the massive fiscal challenges we face over the next ten or twenty years and beyond. Are we up for the challenge...I know we are! Who is in?
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